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Farmer Scared by Protective Mama Cow || ViralHog
Farmer Frightened by Protective Mama Cow in Iowa
Momma Cow Doesn't Want Her Calf Tagged || ViralHog
Mother Cow Protects Baby Calf, Attacks Dairy Farmer
Mama Cow Breaks Through Panel || ViralHog
Attacked by angry mama While tagging baby calf. #farm #ranch #angrycow #cattle #calf #taggingcalf
Highland Calf Getting Petted by Man Then Mom Comes to Check up on It
Cow Pranks Man And Got VERY SCARED
When mama cows not having it #cow #attack
Mama Cow Protecting Her Babies. ❤️
Mother protecting baby calf #cow #calf #nature #sapi #inek #pecuaria #ganadería #caballos #shorts
she's very protective mother #farmlife #farmlife #cow #calf #gomom